
by | Oct 13, 2017 | General | 0 comments

Did you know there is a new way social media users can help in the fight against cancer from their computer screen or mobile device? #TheFaceOffChallenge, similar to The Ice Bucket Challenge, is an entirely digital campaign for easing cancer as a health crisis.

#TheFaceOffChallenge does not require physical activity, ice-water stunts, donations, or fundraising from friends, family, and co-workers. Instead, you simply click like and share on Facebook to distribute ready-made messages during National Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October to existing contacts in your network, while adding a peach overlay to your profile photo. For those less technologically savvy, you may upload the line drawing of the woman with peach overlay featured in messages on this page. It’s as simple as that!

Messages share information on supplemental approaches to lessening cancer incidence such as information about toxins in personal care and beauty products that may cause cancer. This project is a result of research at the University of Central Florida and will generate new scholarly knowledge about digital citizenship.

Step 1: Evaluate and Use Less Beauty Products 

Apps like Think Dirty and Healthy Living are resources for understanding beauty and personal care products and their relationship to your health. Remember, less is more when it comes to cancer.

Step 2: Add a Peach Overlay to Your Profile Photo

The easiest way to add #TheFaceOffChallenge peach overlay is directly on Facebook. Once you like The Face Off Challenge page, you can easily add a peach overlay to your profile picture by hovering over your profile pic, clicking “Update Profile Picture,” and then selecting one of the peach frames that appear as options in the “Frames” menu.

Or visit https://manytools.org/image/colorize-filter or http://www194.lunapic.com/editor/?action=tint for overlay tools. TIP: Choose web safe colors and enter hex color #f6666.

Or use the line drawing with peach overlay available in the downloads tab at www.FaceOffChallenge.org.

Step 3: Like, Share, and Create New Messages

Like and share our messages. Then, create your own messages and memes with this meme generator tool.

Step 4: Challenge Your Friends to Participate

Tell your friends to like and participate in the challenge on Facebook.

Visit www.FaceOffChallenge.org for more information and tools for participation. You will also want to like the Facebook Page!